Thursday, October 9, 2008

Surgery, blood clots, and Mom's TLC

As you can see, the left leg is a little larger than the right one. I believe I took this before I ever went to the Doctor. And that was after the swelling had gone way down, I had probably had it up for at least a couple of hours before I took the picture. Looks as if I could use some lotion on those legs! Then there is Mom "grooming" Paul - he finally got his little gauze thing off after surgery. There was this sticky glue stuff all over him and he was dirty. Poor guy couldn't shower for weeks until that thing was off. Guess he wasn't very good at sponge baths! Good thing Mom came to take care of us sicklings. And yes, she used Goo Gone to get the sticky stuff off Paul- LOL! Paul just stopped by the office to chat- he just finished his first therapy session and said it was very painful. He's been keeping busy too- has to drive tractor tonight starting at 1am. He seems anxious to get back to Minot and get back to work- I'm guessing he's more excited about moving into his apartment at the end of the month. I'll have to go to Minot and scope the place out.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Ok- I lied. This is the 2nd pregnancy picture. HA!