Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Waiting for a ride...

Logan and I were waiting in the yard for Justin to pick us up and go for a ride out to see the Wheat being harvested. He really liked it. And I thought I'd show you all what this little dare devil likes to do- Climb on the outside of the staircase- where you can't put up a baby gate. He is busy to say the least. He can't be left alone in a room for any amount of time. The evenings fly by for some reason...

The Boys Playing

Logan and Lane were playing a little game- Called "Watch Logan crawl around like a maniac and Lane spins the thingy around Game" Both these boys have some pretty cute cheeks! Logan is happy as ever and enjoyed seeing his Grama Kim last week- We miss her already! Life is busy busy busy at home right now- the trucks are moving steady, the Wheat just got off- well, just a little bit left and we start Potatoes September 18th. Happy Birthday Grama!! Our latest start yet- Some of them have blite and some have pink rott- it is a very different year indeed. Hope all is well and we love and miss you all!!!