Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stack It On, Stack It On...

Here it is- one more thing to add to my list. This is what happened on tuesday in Grand Forks. Nobody was hurt- just mad. Someone (young boy on cell phone) slid (hauled a**) through an intersection and hit a car which continued to fly into another car and then finally stopped when he hit my car. Bummer. Wrong place, wrong time. Christmas shopping came to an abrupt hault after standing outside at 15 below zero for a good while I decided I'd had enough and went home. Stupid ice, stupid boy on cell phone. Good thing Grama Jody was at home with Logan.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Jenna, I can relate to the what else can happen this year thing. We are about to close out the year and I KNOW 2009 has to be BETTER, were due! However, let us remember that the arrival of one Mr Logan has made all else seem small in comparison. He is such a welcome addition.